24/7 Customer Support
Does the property have a basement? (Yes/No)YesNo
Does the property have a garage? (Yes/No)YesNo
What kind of construction is the house?WoodStuccoBrick/StoneVinylBrick Front
Is there a Homeowners Association (HOA)? (Yes/No)YesNo
Is the property in a subdivision? (Yes/No)YesNo
Are you behind on any payments? (Yes/No)YesNo
Is it a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd mortgage?1st2nd3rd
Does the mortgage include Principal, Interest, Taxes, and Insurance (PITI)? (Yes/No)YesNo
Is the property currently occupied? (Yes/No)YesNo
Does the property need any repairs? (Yes/No)YesNo
Do you want to sell the house for what you owe on it? (Yes/No)YesNo
Is there anyone else you need to speak with to make the decision to sell the house? (Yes/No)YesNo